Dorsal vertebrae of Brachiosaurus altithorax
and Brachiosaurus brancai in posterior and lateral views,
equally scaled. A, B, E, F, I,
J, M, N, B. altithorax holotype
FMNH P 25107, modified from Riggs
(1904:pl. LXXII); C, D, G,
H, K, L, O, P, B. brancai
lectotype HMN SII, modified from Janensch (1950a:figs. 53, 54, 56,
60-62, 64) except H, photograph by author. Neural arch and
spine of K sheared to correct for distortion. A,
D, E, H, I, L, M, P,
posterior; B, F, G, J, N, right
lateral; C, K, O, left lateral
reflected. A, B, dorsal 6; C, D, dorsal
4; E-H, dorsal 8; I-L, dorsal
10; M, N, P, dorsal 12; O, dorsals 11 and
12. Corresponding vertebrae from each specimen are shown together
except that dorsal 4 is not known from B. altithorax so
dorsal 6, the most anterior known vertebra, is instead shown next to
dorsal 4 of B. brancai. Scale bar equals 50 cm.