Right limb bones of Brachiosaurus altithorax
and Brachiosaurus brancai, equally scaled. A-C,
humerus of B. altithorax holotype FMNH P
25107; D-F, femur of same; G-K, humerus
of B. brancai lectotype HMN SII; L-P,
femur of B. brancai referred specimen HMN St 291, scaled
to size of restored femur of HMN SII as estimated by Janensch
(1950b:99). A, D, G, L,
proximal; B, E, H, M,
anterior; C, K,
P, posterior; J, O,
medial; F, I, N,
distal. A, B, D, E modified from Riggs
(1904:pl. LXXIV); C modified from Riggs (1904:fig. 1); F
modified from Riggs (1903:fig. 7); G-K modified from
Janensch (1961:Beilage A); L-P modified from Janensch
(1961:Beilage J). Scale bar equals 50 cm.