How can I obtain out-of-print dinosaur books?

27th August 2002

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Are there any reliable channels - especially in the UK - for getting hold of out-of-print books like: Given the enormous popularity of dinosaurs, how can it be that they've been allowed to go out of print?


The general consensus answer to this seems to be simply to try used book stores, used book-finding services, etc.. One correspondent reports having seen both The Dinosaur Heresies and Predatory Dinosaurs in second-hand stores, and bought his copy of The Dinosauria in one.

Fortunately for web-potatoes such as myself, there are several out-of-print book-search services on the internet, including:

If you live in the US, then your local amazon branch, provides a used-book searching service for many (though not all) out of print titles; unfortunately, doesn't offer this service. I also don't know of any UK-specific used-book search services analagous to those mentioned above.

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