What plans do you have for this document?

27th August 2002

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What plans do you have for this document?


The first thing to say is that I don't expect it ever to be ``finished''. That would imply that the science of palaeontology had stopped moving, which isn't going to happen any time soon - not with the rate that new and exciting fossils are lunging out of the ground in recent years: five (count 'em!) new T. rexes, including the biggest yet; a whole sequence of feathered dinosaurs from China; and new ``biggest ever'' sauropods and theropods announced in South America every five minutes or so.

Having said that, there should come a point where this document attains sufficient maturity that it can be seen as a comprehensive introduction to dinosaurs - a sort of tutorial on where we are now and how we got here.

At that point, I have vague plans to turn the whole thing into a book (you know, the old-fashioned sort made out of dead trees.) At the moment, that's as specific as my plans get; but as soon as I start to have more coherent ideas on how, when and indeed whether this is likely to happen, I'll post them here.

One thing to say is that if the book idea gets off the gound, I'll still keep maintaining the on-line version during and after publication, so as to keep it up to date in the way that no print publication ever can be. I'm also passionately committed to keeping this resource free for anyone who wants it. The book, if it happens, will be offered as an alternative to the on-line version rather than a replacement for it.

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