Fig. 2.
Elements of Cetiosaurus oxoniensis. Top row, left to right:
right scapula in lateral view and left scapula in medial view; right
humerus in anterior and distal views, and left humerus in proximal and
posterior views; left femur in anterior view. Bottom row, left to
right: left coracoid in medial view and ?left sternal plate in ?dorsal
view; right ilium in lateral view and ?fourth dorsal vertebra in
anterior and right lateral views; ?right ulna in ?posterolateral view;
right tibia in proximal and posterolateral views. Dorsal vertebra
modified from Phillips (1871, fig. 86), other elements modified from
Owen (1875b, figs 1 9), which were reproduced from Phillips
(1871). The scale bar is 50 cm.