Figure 1.
Sauropod necks, showing relationships for a selection of species, and
the range of necks lengths and morphologies that they encompass.
Phylogeny based on that of Upchurch et al. (2004: fig. 13.18).
Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis (neck 9.5 m long) modified from
Young & Zhao (1972: fig. 4); Dicraeosaurus hansemanni (2.7 m)
modified from Janensch (1936: plate XVI); Diplodocus carnegii
(6.5 m) modified from Hatcher (1903: plate VI); Apatosaurus
louisae (6 m) modified from Lovelace, Hartman & Wahl (2008:
fig. 7); Camarasaurus supremus (5.25 m) modified from Osborn &
Mook (1921: plate 84); Giraffatitan brancai (8.75 m) modified
from Janensch (1950: plate VIII); giraffe (1.8 m) modified from
Lydekker (1894:332). Alternating grey and white vertical bars mark 1 m