3.16. Cron job

A clean up job needs to be run every day. Edit the crontab for user index crontab -u index -e and add the line

	  39 4  * * *  cd /var/www/html/lot/perl; ./cleanup.pl

A script is run every time Z-Spy is run, in order to keep the TLDD's data in sync with Z-Spy's internal data. The following line should be added to the users index's cron

           55 23 * * * wget -q -r http://libraryoftexas.com/php/targets_tcl.php

Z-Spy keeps track of all the Z39.50 servers in the TLDD. The following line should be added to the users index's cron

           00 00 * * * /var/www/html/zspy/robot/z-spy.tcl -cf /var/www/html/lot/root/zspy/z-spy-lot.cfg