Supplementary Information on Xenoposeidon

1st October 2007

This page contains supplementary information regarding Xenoposeidon proneneukus, as described in the paper:

1. Nexus File
2. High Resolution Figures
3. Additional Specimen Photos

1. Nexus File

The Nexus file used to generate the cladistic analysis in the Xenoposeidon paper is available to anyone who wants to re-run or extend the analysis.

Download Nexus file

My thanks to Jerry Harris, who gave me a copy of the Nexus file from his (2006) analysis. My file is based on his, changed only in the addition of the new Xenoposeidon OTU.

2. High Resolution Figures

The following high-resolution versions of the figures from the Xenoposeidon paper are for the benefit of scientists. Feel free to reproduce or modify these for use in scientific (i.e. peer-reviewed) literature. Please do not reproduce these in non-scientific contexts without explicit permission from the author.

TEXT-FIG. 1. A-B, maps indicating location of Ecclesbourne Glen, near Hastings, East Sussex, England, the probable discovery site of the holotype of Xenoposeidon proneneukos gen. et sp. nov.
TEXT-FIG. 2. Schematic lithostratigraphy of the Wealden indicating the origin of the holotype of Xenoposeidon proneneukos gen. et sp. nov. within the Ashdown Beds Formation of the Hastings Beds Group.
TEXT-FIG. 3. Xenoposeidon proneneukos gen. et sp. nov. holotype in A, left lateral, B, right lateral, C, anterior, and D, posterior TEXT-FIG. 4. views. Scale bar represents 200 mm.
TEXT-FIG. 4. Interpretive drawing of Xenoposeidon proneneukos gen. et sp. nov. holotype in A, left lateral, B, right lateral, C, anterior, and D, posterior views. Scale bar represents 200 mm. Breakage is indicated by diagonal hatching. The PPDL (preserved only on the left side) is a sheet of bone projecting anterolaterally from the neural arch with its anterolateral margin running dorsoventrally, but which is broken off just dorsal to the parapophysis.
TEXT-FIG. 5. Xenoposeidon proneneukos gen. et sp. nov. holotype, mid to posterior dorsal vertebra BMNH R2095, speculative reconstruction, in left lateral view. The location of the prezygapophyses, postzygapophyses and diapophyses are inferred with some confidence from the preserved laminae; the neural spine is based on an idealized slender neosauropod neural spine. Scale bar represents 200 mm.
TEXT-FIG. 6. Phylogenetic relationships of Xenoposeidon proneneukos, produced using PAUP* 4.0b10 on the matrix of Harris (2006) augmented by Xenoposeidon, having 31 taxa and 331 characters. A, strict consensus of 1089 most parsimonious trees (length, 785; CI, 0.5248; RU, 0.6871, RC = 0.3606). B, 50 per cent majority rule consensus. Clade names are positioned to the right of the branches that they label; occurrence percentages are positioned to the left of these branches.

3. Additional Specimen Photos

I am providing these specimen photos, with no description or comment, for the benefit of anyone who wants to compare Xenoposeidon with other taxa and needs more detail than is in the paper.

Feedback to <> is welcome!