5th June 2001
[Up]MUNDI Heirachical Help System (Tue May 23 13:59:54 BST 1989) ============================================================ Info-mode is entered by typing "info". The computer will give you a list of the topics upon which help is available, and you can either select one of these, or type a command. If you select the name of one of the help topics listed, you will either be shown the help on that topic, or, if there are subtopics, you will be shown the list of these, and will again be able to choose. Subtopics can have sub-sub-topics, and so on indefinitely, (hence *heirachical* help) At any stage in this process, you are located in a particular help-directory, or folder, and this determined what help-text is available to you. There are currently six commands: break - Return to the parent-folder of the current one. list - List the contents of the current folder. where - Print the path-name of the current folder in the current help heirachy. suspend - Leave help mode in such a way as to preserve the current folder when help-mode is next entered. quit - Leave help mode. debug - Print debugging information, currently the list of filenames that are stored for completion. MUNDI uses a heirachical help system (hhelp, written by Mike Taylor) which will be made available in the public domain use shortly. Contact mirk@uk.ac.warwick.cs by email, for source code.