Nosferatu - Map

12th November 2006


														= (go bus)
						Small Hut							Bus Stop
						[spade, stick]							[bus]
						|								|   go grave->
						=								| __<-go hole__
						|								|/	       						|								Graveyard	Cave
						Lawn				Dark Shed			[grave,		[witch (lamp), hole]
						[locked hut]			[ladder]			|tombstone]
						|				|				|
						|				|				|
						|				|				|
Edge of Chasm---Top of Cliff----West of Pond	On Bridge	By Fishpond-----Dark Yard---||--Washroom--------Mortuary
[water,		[thicket,	|		(fall if	[shark]		[axe]		[rope, door]	[mallet]
|fountain	|sign]		|		|carrying > 1)	|				|
|hole]		|		|		|		|				|
|		|		|		|		|				|
Narrow Ledge	North of Hole---Sunny Field-----On Track--------Damp Swamp			Kitchen
[wall, match]	[wall]		[crusifix]							[whisky]
		|		|								|
		|		|								|		  _climb rope__ (fall if carrying > 1 object)
		V		|								|		 /	       		Cesspit<--------Oak Forest-----<				In Coffin-------Empty Room------Balcony		Narrow Ledge
		[coins]		[trees, sign]							|		[rail]		[key, kipper]
				|								|		|
				|								|		|
				^								|		|
												Dark Crypt------Library
												[sarcophagus]	[altas,
														 book of magic,
														 book of games]


"read atlas" -> "Near the forest is a disused cess-pit."
"read magic" -> "Magic word is: 'OVYEZ'"
"read games" -> "Bored with this game already, huh?"


"go witch" -> "I don't know \"go\""
"Crusifix engaved on the ground" [sic]
"inpenetrable thicket" [sic]
"?i" and "i=" verbs


Verbs not understood: examine, help, score, kill, pour

Feedback to <> is welcome!