Querying XML Documents

7th December 2000

Paul Cotton
Washington, Dec 7, 2000

(My comments are in italics)


XML query history

XML query history - 2

Query Languages Workshop '98

W3C XML Query WG - History

W3C XML Query WG - Goals

W3C XML Query WG - Status

XML Query Requirements

General Requirements

XML Query Data Model

XML Query Functionality

XML Query Functionality - 2

XML Query Data Model WD

XML Query Algebra WD

(First release was this Monday!)

Introduction to the Query Algebra: Part I: Data model and types

Document                                Algebra
--------                                --------
<bib>                                   bib [
  <book>                                  book [
    <title>Data on the web</title>          title [ "Data on the web" ],
    <year>1999</year>                       year [ 1999 ],
    <author>Fruitbat</author>               author [ "Fruitbat" ]
  </book>                                 ]
</bib>                                  ]

(... and the value of this is? ...)

(This moves too fast to take notes)


Feedback to <mike@miketaylor.org.uk> is welcome!